Twitter Rants

One of the most valuable thing I've learned is the importance of being able to completely sever your pre acquired logic from a newly confronted idea. For e.g if I propose an idea that the people you confront everyday isn't real and the real them exist in another realm that contains a projection of your real entity, you will find it outrageous. Your initial reasoning will tell you to immediately deny this. We are used to believing that we live in a single realm (not saying this as untrue) but there's always the possibility that my proposed idea is true. Now to start discussing this idea requires a certain degree of acceptance in regard to its possibility. And to acquire that degree of acceptance requires the ability to sever yourself from your own pre acquired logic.


Sir Roger Scruton
"An incredibly damaging idea that has spread across the world since the Sixties that 'freedom' means the absence of control rather than order in the soul." This quote is incredible because he criticize the current popular notion of liberty. The idea of "being yourself" is only acceptable only if followed along with control. The most common justification of being "unapologetically" yourself whilst absolutely disregarding common moral sense is the endorsement of happiness as the ultimate virtue which is actually unrealistic and unattainable. Instead, strive for contentment. Controlling desires is a valuable trait that is slowly disregarded. Lets not ride the bandwagon that pursues endless hedonism.


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