A Trip To China
360GEM Trip to HCBITZ 4-10 November 2018 China was never a country that I’ve ever dreamed of setting my foot in. Growing up in Malaysia, the occasional encounter with Malaysians of Chinese descendant convinced me that I had a decent amount of understanding about Chinese people and their culture. This short trip that only spanned for a week not only proved my ignorant naiveté wrong, but also exposed me to a lot of different lessons and experiences that have benefited me in various ways. One of the least talked about knowledge that you can get by travelling is the airline company that you will want to avoid for your next trip. All students are instructed to buy their flight tickets from Air Asia. This was done to ensure the smoothness of the trip and helps in managing the group which consisted of 29 people. It was never a choice to begin with but still the experience of trying to sleep in a cramped space with stiff sits was memorable. A funny one indeed. Upon reaching Macau...