Industrial Revolution 4.0 (An online conference report)
Speaker: Ir. Dr. Harris A. Rahman Sabri Date: 27th November 2020 It is not news that technological development is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Now is the time of speed, when everything is expected to be instantaneous from interactions with friends to ordering food to commutation. Moore’s Law explains an empirical regularity that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years [1] . This is a strong empirical finding that further enforce the general notion that computers are getting better and better as they seep into every single nook of our lives. Recent efforts to increase interconnectivity has opened doors for information-based technologies. Data which was previously left to collect dust in databases are now looked at as a source for meaningful analysis. This huge amount of data is collectively called as Big Data; data that is so big it can only be analysed using computers to reveal hidden patterns that can be used to make inform...